Continuous Software Delivery should not be an exclusive big companies matter. In the cloud age, every company have the possibility to successfuly manage their Continuous Software Delivery.
You want to know how?
Set your calendars on June 8th, 11:00 CET (GMT +2) for our joint webinar with Harness. We will be talking on how to Democratise Continuous Software Delivery.
Continuous Verification, among other topics related to The Digital Highway for Continuous Software Delivery, will be discussed in the lens of them improving your software developement quality, release management and production stability. Using our partner Harness‘ CI/CD automation tools, we can build intelligency, AI-driven and flexible software delivery pipelines.
Aurelia Baumann (Account Manager- Harness) and Marco Aeberli (Digital Architect- Digital Architects Zurich) will take you through these topics and how DevOps and SRE teams are collaborating to successfuly implement faster and more reliable Software Delivery while keeping budget and infrastructure complexity under control.

You can register here and if you have any questions regarding the subject, do not hesitate to bring them with you on June 8th at 11:00 CET, we will try to answer them in a Q&A session at the end of the presentation.
Info: The presentation will be in German.